Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Check Up

My little girl has a check up. It is about her allergies. Mommy has an appointment also. We both have 

our appointments in the morning. My little girl's appointment took almost two hour  to finish. There 

were many patients waiting. There is only one doctor. We have no choice but to wait when she is 

done with her test. Daddy called Mommy's doctor that she  will be late. My little girl had a test on 

her back for milk, egg, dog, peanut. She has reactions to all them. The nurse measured her weight 

and height. She weighs 28 lbs and 34 1/2 inches. My girl is skinny and tall like her Mommy. As for 

Mommy, she had an acute bronchitis. It just started yet and she is glad that she went to the doctor 

before it gets worst. Mommy hate her pills but what can she do. It is best for her health. It is hard 

for Mommy to feed her little girl  because we have to change her diet, no dairy products of any kind. 

I hope, she will outgrow them. 

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